Monday, April 20, 2009

Worst part of the weekend: Not enough sleep!

Best part of the weekend: Lots of time with my favorite, family, and friends!

Most random part of the weekend: The very odd waitress at Friday's

People I saw this weekend: Taylor, Josh, Angela, Kevin, Mom, Sarah, Aunt Rosie, Taylor's Nana, Jamel, Aris, Heather, Chelsea, Taylor's parents

Something I wished I did this weekend that I didn't get around to doing: yard work...the flower beds specificially

Things that I am looking forward to this week: Warm & sunny weather, Jennifer, Jason, Jana, and Jasper coming over on Friday (and the pool table being complete!), and Andrew & Angie coming in town on Saturday!

Things that I am not looking forward to this week: lots of work... I HAVE to get busy on getting more stuff boxed up for our office move

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Blogging on Saturday night is what the cool kids do. :)

I love long weekends! Friday we only worked a half day. I napped when we got home... no surprise there! We did not do too much of anything last night. Lately we've realized we're pretty over the whole going out to eat thing and really enjoy eating at home. It's nice. Eating at home is much more relaxing and it saves the $$$! :)

This morning I dropped Taylor off in Lewisville so he could play golf. I dropped him off so I could have the Jetta to run errands. Yeah, bad idea. I got pulled over in The Colony on the way back home!!! I was SO mad. It's a long story, but it was a very bad experience. I mean, I know getting a ticket is never a good experience but this one was a little over the top. Anyway... this was only the 2nd time I've ever even been pulled over. Whatever. Live & learn. I'll pay the ticket and do deferred judification... or whatever it is called! It just wasn't a good start to my Saturday.

The day did get better though. I met up with my sisters-in-law, Heather & Aris for lunch at Blue Goose. After lunch I went back to get T, and came home to nap (love them). We spent the majority of tonight over at Taylor's parent's friend's, Ruth & Sam. Their daughter (our good friend) Sarah had a baby a couple of weeks ago. So it was a nice relaxing with the rest of the Musas, Sam, Ruth, Sarah, Walleed, and baby Eliyah.

Tomorrow we'll be going to my parents early in the afternoon. Yay! I feel like I haven't seen Mom, Dad, or Michelle & Sarah in so long! I can't believe tomorrow is Sunday and the weekend is almost over. Next weekend should be pretty quiet. The following (24th) Friday, hopefully, Jennifer & Jason are going to come over to hang out and the guys will FINALLY put together our pool table. The following day Andrew & Angie are coming in to town so we all can go to the A-1 Reunion. Then the weekend after that is finally the Kenny Chesney concert! Taylor & I are really excited about that, and Heather & I just don't want to get stuck in the mud again! Good times.

We hope you all have a very happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So far the working out is going well. I was SO sore on Monday night, but I feel much better now. The running is...well, running. The push ups are much better than I anticipated! I still feel a bit of anxiety when I think about running though. I still associate it with my ridiculous over the top B of a drill team director and with being forced to run in 8th grade athletics. haha! I just have to remind myself that no one is making me do anything I do want to do. The diet is going very well too! I'm quite pleased with myself. I cannot tell you the last time I drank a soda. Oh wait, I had a sip of one on Monday(?) and it was kind of gross. I am still kicking myself for ever starting sodas and fried food again! I had lost so much weight a few years ago, and I just put it all back on. Oh well, live and learn. This time it's coming off for good! *fingers crossed*

Friday, April 3, 2009

We're getting in shape! Taylor & I are both ready to get back to our super-hot-bods (lol) that we had a just a couple of years ago! During his time in the Corps at A&M Taylor became addicted to running. I, however, have NEVER been a runner, but it looks like I'm going to become one! Wish us luck as we start this journey! We both used to be very active/athletic so we're hoping it won't take TOO long to get back in the swing of things.

Taylor found a 14 week training program to get in shape. It is actually the program to get ready for Air Force basic training. I'm not so sure about the push-ups... the running is what I am most interested in. I have copied the following 14 week plan from the Lackland Air Force Base website.

We start "week 1" on Sunday!

Week 1
Complete the follwing in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
5 minute walk
1 minute jog
5 minute walk
1 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 2
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
5 minute walk
3 minute jog
5 minute walk
3 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 3
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
4 minute walk
5 minute jog
4 minute walk
5 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 4
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
4 minute situp/
4 minute walk
5 minute jog
4 minute walk
5 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 5
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
4 minute situp/
4 minute walk
6 minute jog
4 minute walk
6 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 6
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
4 minute situp/
4 minute walk
7 minute jog
4 minute walk
7 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 7
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
6 minute situp/
4 minute walk
8 minute jog
4 minute walk
8 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 8
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
6 minute situp/
4 minute walk
9 minute jog
4 minute walk
9 minute jog
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 9
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
4 minute situp/
4 minute walk
13 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 10
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
4 minute situp/
4 minute walk
15 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 11

Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
4 minute walk
17 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 12
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
1 minute walk
17 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 13
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
2 minute walk
2 minute jog
17 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch

Week 14
Complete the following in one session 3-5
times a week:
5 minute stretch/warmup
2 minute situp/
3 minute jog
17 minute run
minute walk
2 minute stretch