Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday, baby!

A week from today we'll be leaving for vacation! Gosh, I'm so ready. I need this break. Even though this was a short work week, it just wasn't my week. It seems like everyday I got hit left and right with something all day each day. Oh well. Part of life, right?

My sister graduated high school last night! I'm very proud of her. The valedictorian spoke about doing what you want to do with your own life and taking the path less traveled. I thought that was really great. After all, that's what I did. Most people my age have graduated college or will be within the next year. For so long I felt... not inferior...not ashamed...more like "I should have stayed in school". I don't feel like that so much anymore. I did the school thing for two and a half years, and never was I ever great at it. Even after my first semester I was tired of it. So...after 5 semesters I decided to take some time off. End the end, it worked out just fine for me!

Last night I ran into a girl who I graduated with. We were chatting about what we were up to these days. I told her about being married, having a house, and our three dogs (no human kids yet!). Her response was "that's so awesome. It's like a fairy tale!". Well, I don't know so much about it being a fairy tale. We still have our stress like everyone, a wasp nation in our front tree, one dog who likes to run away just because she's curious, a lawn that really needs to be mowed twice a week because it grows so fast, dinner to be cooked even when we're so tired after work, oh and a ridiculous amount of laundry to do every week. It really is pretty great though.

If you haven't heard "We Weren't Crazy" by Josh Gracin, I highly recommend you do. Now!

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