Saturday, June 28, 2008

I guess Saturday night is my blog night. Well, the past couple of weeks anyway.

Not a lot went on this week... in fact most of it is a blur since I was sick for 3 days. I came down with a fever, body aches, and a stomach thing one day. Who knows... if I'm around anyone who is sick for even .5 seconds, I'll most likely come down with whatever they have.

Providence, a community down the street from us had a firework show tonight and we went to watch it of course. We ended up pretty much right next to where they were shooting them off, and Taylor was oh-so-proud of me. :) (if you don't know, I have this...thing... with loud noises) I'm overcoming it though. I'm hoping we'll go to Kaboomtown in Addison next weekend! However, the ballooon thing...I just don't think there's any hope for that though.

1 comment:

Taylor A said...