Monday, April 20, 2009

Worst part of the weekend: Not enough sleep!

Best part of the weekend: Lots of time with my favorite, family, and friends!

Most random part of the weekend: The very odd waitress at Friday's

People I saw this weekend: Taylor, Josh, Angela, Kevin, Mom, Sarah, Aunt Rosie, Taylor's Nana, Jamel, Aris, Heather, Chelsea, Taylor's parents

Something I wished I did this weekend that I didn't get around to doing: yard work...the flower beds specificially

Things that I am looking forward to this week: Warm & sunny weather, Jennifer, Jason, Jana, and Jasper coming over on Friday (and the pool table being complete!), and Andrew & Angie coming in town on Saturday!

Things that I am not looking forward to this week: lots of work... I HAVE to get busy on getting more stuff boxed up for our office move

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